Main Event



19.09. - 22.09.2024


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Pravila Privatnosti/Legal Information

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Od Better Call Saula do Boljeg života, od medija do umjetne inteligencije, od Miach do Fedde le Granda na Weekendu.17


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Ovaj tjedan počinje Weekend.17 – jedini festival koji ne treba najavu

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Networking, predavanja, paneli i zabava u jednom – Weekend.17

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Andrija Jarak reports from the stage of Weekend.17

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Weekend.17 in September Will Host AI Weekend!

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Weekend.17: A Year of Milestones

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Bob Garfield on the collapse of traditional media at Weekend.17 / Bob Garfield o propasti tradicionalnih medija na Weekendu.17

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What does the professor of happiness do? Don't miss Michael Dahlen's lecture / Čime se bavi profesor sreće? Predavanje Micaela Dahlena ne želiš propustiti

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Boxing match at the Weekend: Traditional engines vs. electric vehicles / Boks meč na Weekendu: Tradicionalni motori ili električna vozila

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Why are podcasts so “IN“? / Zašto su podcasti toliko „IN“?

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Pete Radovich on the most-watched television program in U.S. history, live from the stage of Weekend.17. / Pete Radovich o najgledanijem televizijskom programu u povijesti SAD-a s pozornice Weekenda.17

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Can artificial intelligence be humanized? / Može li se umjetna inteligencija humanizirati?

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How Generation Z changes the rules of shopping? / Kako Generacija Z mijenja pravila shoppinga?

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Thomas Erikson, Author of the Bestseller "Surrounded by Idiots," Will Speak to the Weekend Audience About Creating an Effective Business Environment / Thomas Erikson autor bestselera „Okruženi idiotima“ Weekend publici govorit će o učinkovitoj poslovnoj sredini

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Evo zašto smo nekada doslovno „prikovani uz ekran“ dok gledamo serije

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The Balkans need a new television network / Balkan treba novu televiziju

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Author of the bestseller "Surrounded by Idiots," "Modern Psychologist," and legendary DJ to arrive in Rovinj / Ususret Weekendu: Predstavljena nova imena ovogodišnjeg programa koja garantiraju najveći Weekend do sad